2022 Event Presentations
We are currently gaining the necessary permissions to circulate the 2022 event presentations and will be periodically updating the presentations when we receive permission to share.
With presenter consent, we are pleased to be able to share the following presentation slides from the 2022 event.
Available presentations to date are underlined. To download the PDF, please click on the title of the applicable presentation.
TCF Background/Agenda - Alan Gore, FMV
TCF_Welcome to GK - Kurt Anker, NAEW
Modell Based Approach to Systems Management - Maja Hjelm, Torbjörn Ohlsson, FMV
QAInformation Exchange Requirements_TCF_pdm - James Norful, SyntheSys Defence
Worldwide Secure Interop Forums - Leo F. Kimminau, MITRE
Mark XIIB Updates Revised 9.15.22 - John Seereiter, AIMS
Uncrewed and Autonomouse vehicles - Jeff Hymers, ATEQ Consulting
Tactical Radios in the Fire Service - Marcus Kauffeld, NAEW
TDL Paper Based IO Testing - Shaun Donelly, ATEQ Consulting
TDL-support for NATO Nations - Luc Jochmans, NAEW