End of the Year wishes
21.12.2024 / TCF Coordinator
Dear TCF’er!
Al and I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We want to say THANK YOU for the "old" year - 2024.
We are looking forward to seeing you all at the TCF 2025 meeting, 13 - 15 May, in Haderslev, Denmark. If you haven't registered yet, please follow this LINK to register.
The Newsletter with information about the TCF 2025 has been sent out. If you haven't received it, please follow this LINK.
Take care and enjoy the rest of 2024 ...
Al and Kurt
TCF 2025
28.11.2024 / TCF Coordinator
Dear TCF’er!
We are pleased to announce that the TCF 2025 will be held at the Hotel Norden in Haderslev, Denmark, 13 - 15 May 2025. Haderslev is a wonderful city, with great restaurants and a "few" bars - everything within walking distance from the Hotel Norden.
Haderslev is about 60 minutes drive from Billund Airport where you can fly in to from a large amount of bigger airports in Europe.
We will soon be providing details of the TCF cost and accommodation details, we ready.
We apologize for the change in location of TCF. However, we feel, that Haderslev will be a great venue for TCF 2025!
We look forward to seeing you all next year....
Al and Kurt
TCF 2024
05.06.2024 / TCF Coordinator
Dear TCF’er!
This years event, TCF 2024, is held at The University of Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK. You can find information about the venue here.
We have now received information on how to register for the conference at the University. Please follow this link to book the conference attendance, social event and accommodation.
We look forward to seeing you all in Portsmouth.
Al and Kurt
TCF 2024
05.05.2024 / TCF Coordinator
Dear TCF’er!
This years event, TCF 2024, is held at The University of Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK. You can find information about the venue here.
Please find a link to the April Newsletter with our latest information here. We will soon be publishing details on how to pay the conference fee for the TCF and the planned social activities for the meeting. This will be done online and
directly with the University.
We look forward to seeing you all in Portsmouth.
Al and Kurt
TCF 2023
26.09.2023 / TCF Coordinator
Dear TCF’er!
TCF 2023 was a big success thanks to all the great presentations / presenters and not least the great folks from the DoD AIMS office at Warner Robins. Thank you so much for helping us organising the event.
Next years event, TCF 2024, is planned to be held at Portsmouth University, Hampshire, UK. More information will be provided when we know more.
We hope to see you all in Portsmouth.
Al and Kurt
TCF 2023
29.08.2023 / TCF Coordinator
Dear TCF’er!
Within a month we will see you at the US Air Force Museum at Robins AFB in Georgia and we are proud to present this beautiful and interesting place for you.
The registration has been very high and is still open. If you missed to register, you can still do it here.
Luckily quite a few delegates volunteered to provide presentations during the meeting. Thank you so much.
The AUGUST 2023 newsletter can be downloaded here.
If you have any questions concerning meeting arrangements, please do not hesitate to send an email to coordinator@tactical-comms-forum.com.
See you soon.
Al and Kurt
TCF 2023
28.10.2022 / updated 14.12.2022 / TCF Coordinator
With the help of the DoD AIMS Project office, we plan TCF 2023 to be held in the US Air Force Museum at Robins AFB in Georgia, USA on 18 - 20 September 2023.
We currently still working on the fine details of the meeting and conference cost (which is expected to be minimal) and will be sending out more details as soon as they are confirmed.
We will be opening registration on the TCF web site as soon as all details are confirmed.
We are very much looking forward to TCF 2023 and to your continued support and attendance.
Al Gore TCF chairman
Kurt Anker TCF vice chairman

TCF 22
29.09.2022, updated 22.11.2022 / TCF Coordinator

Dear TCF'er!
The visit to a NATO AWACS was for many of our delegates a big moment. The Force Headquarters Public Affairs Office made this possible. Thank you for all your help.
Our Eurocontrol colleagues added this story to their Twitter account: Civil-Military Cooperation Division - EUROCONTROL (@eurocontrolCMC) / Twitter.
Please also find a link to an article in the NATO SkyWatch HERE.
TCF 22
11,09,2022 / TCF Coordinator
Dear TCF’er!
Now it is soon and we are excited to welcome all of you. We have 51 confirmed registrations from all over the western world. Very good. There is a good combination of industry and government delegates.
Social event will take place on Wednesday, 21 September @ 19.00 in the Wereldrestaurant Kodoo in Sittard (see link).
Luckily quite a few delegates volunteered to provide presentations during the meeting. We have confirmed presentations from ATEQ Consulting, Collins Aerospace, DoD AIMS, FMV, IDLS, NAEW, SAAB Group, SyntheSys. Thank you so much.
Please remember, no self-driving onto the base, except if you are in the possession of a NATO AMIS Card or equivalent. Bus transportation every morning from the Double Tree hotel in Sittard @ 08.00. Schedule according agenda: Tue & Wed 08.00 - 17.00 and Thu 08,00 - 15,00
If you have any questions concerning meeting arrangements, please do not hesitate to send an email to coordinator@tactical-comms-forum.com.
See you soon.
Al and Kurt
TCF 22 - Event update
02.08.22 | TCF Co-ordinator
Dear TCF’er!
It is time to bring a status for the upcoming TCF meeting in Geilenkirchen, Germany.
Time is running fast and soon the summer vacation season will be over. Both Kurt and I urge early registration to TCF before the cutoff date of 18 August 2022. Please provide the information requested on the TCF registration page at Registration | tacticalcommsforum (tactical-comms-forum.com). Also remember to book hotel in Sittard. We have 37 confirmed registrations from all over the western world. Pretty good. There is a good combination of industry and government delegates.
Social event will take place on Wednesday, 21 September in Sittard. As soon as we know more, we will inform you.
Luckily quite a few volunteered to provide presentations during the meeting. We have confirmed presentations from ATEQ Consulting, Collins Aerospace, DoD AIMS, FMV, IDLS, NAEW, SAAB Group, SyntheSys. Thank you so much.
The event will take place on the NATO AWACS base in Geilenkirchen and we are looking forward to show you the base. Please remember, no self-driving onto the base, except if you are in the possession of a NATO AMIS Card or equivalent.
If you have any questions concerning meeting arrangements, please do not hesitate to send an email to coordinator@tactical-comms-forum.com.
See you soon.
Al and Kurt
TCF20 - Event Cancellation
19.03.20 | TCF Co-ordinator
Dear Delegates,
Following increased and overwhelming concerns about the COVID-19 virus, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the Tactical Communication Forum (TCF) 2020 event which was scheduled for 26th – 28th May 2020.
Whilst we are very disappointed that this year’s event will not be taking place, we are basing this decision on information published by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other trusted sources. The international nature of TCF makes the situation particularly complex, as national response strategies differ from country to country. We are confident that this is the right decision based on information we have available to us today.
Next Steps:
No action is needed to cancel your registration with the TCF administration team.
If you have booked your hotel accommodation with Hotel Kaunas, please contact the hotel reservations team directly via info@kaunashotel.lt or by telephone: +370 37 750 850
For other travel arrangements, please refer to your standard company travel insurance policy and booking terms and conditions.
We will be formulating a plan for future events over the coming weeks and will keep you informed via email.
Finally, please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused and I wish you all the best in this difficult time of uncertainty.
Very best regards,
Al Gore, TCF Chairman
TCF 22 - Event
19.03.22 | TCF Co-ordinator
Dear TCFer!
I am very pleased to announce the calling notice for the 2022 Tactical Communications Forum (TCF) which will be held on 20 - 22 September 2022 at the E-3A Conference Centre on the NATO Air Airbase at Geilenkirchen, Germany.
The TCF will commence 09:00 on the 20 September and finish at 15:00 on 22 September.
Please contact me at alan.gore@fmv.se, if you have not previously received information on the TCF by email.
Both Kurt and I are really looking forward to the event.
Please put the dates in your calendars.
With best regards
Al Gore TCF chairman
Kurt Anker TCF vice chairman
TCF20 Welcomes Kurt Anker as Co-Chairman
19.02.20 | TCF Co-ordinator
I am thrilled to announce that esteemed member of the community, Kurt Anker, will be acting Co-Chair for the 2020 event. Kurt has supported the TCF event from inception until now, and his contributions have been invaluable in the success of previous events.
Kurt’s current position is as a Test Manager for the Mission Support Engineering Centre (MSEC) at the NATO airbase in Geilenkirchen (GK), Germany. Kurt has a long, varied career in Tactical Communications which began in 1984 for the Danish Air Force where he gained experience on missile systems, radar systems, programming and training. Kurt’s position at GK started back in 2003 when the Danish Air Force posted Kurt to the base to perform duties as a Software Developer where his focus of work was Data Links, Weapons and Communications.
Kurt later became a NATO civilian in 2010, continuing to work at GK in similar operational areas with some of his most notable successes being around ensuring that GK training simulators were effectively connected with those of wider partners to achieve simulated training. Some may know this as Mission Training through Distributed Simulation (MTDS) and was done via the Combined Federated Battle Laboratories Network (CFBL Net).
2015 saw a change in roles for Kurt where he became MSEC Test Leader, whereby he was later promoted to his current role as Test Manager. He retired from the Danish Air Force in August 2019, after 35 years of dedicated service.
May I take the opportunity to thank Kurt for agreeing to support me at this year’s event, I believe this will help to make TCF2020 and beyond a success.

24.09.19 | TCF Co-ordinator
After another successful and productive event in Salzburg, myself and the Tactical Communication Forum (TCF) team have been planning for TCF 2020. I am thrilled to confirm that the meeting will go ahead on 26 - 28 May 2020. The event returns to the Kaunas Hotel, Kaunas, Lithuania and will be a 2.5 day event.
There will be a small conference fee of €55.00 to cover the cost of the conference room which includes lunch and refreshments. The conference fee will be paid on the start of day one.
To book and confirm participation at the meeting please go to the TCF website at https://www.tactical-comms-forum.com. You can also submit presentation proposals via the website. Travel tips and information about Kaunas and Lithuania can also be found at the TCF website.
You can also arrange your accommodation at the Hotel Kaunas via the website. Please click here for further information. I recommend booking early to secure a room as availability is limited.
It is also planned to have a TCF social dinner. Further details of menu, venue and cost will be published on the TCF website shortly.

26.02.19 | TCF Co-ordinator
Stockholm, Sweden March 2019. Ensuring that mission-critical communications are secure and reliable depends on a combination of verbal, written, visual and auditory information exchange across a variety of different battlefield environments. Governments and industry across the globe work tirelessly to augment Tactical Communication methods in an ever-changing environment.
Now in it’s second year, the Tactical Communication Forum (TCF) aims to provide members of the Tactical Communications community with a unique and productive environment for discussions via the sharing of Technical Presentations to educate individuals, connect members of the community and develop technical initiatives.
The low-cost, voluntary run meeting unites government officials and industry members from around the globe and puts common issues, challenges and initiatives under the spotlight. The informal, but constructive forum examines areas such as procurement, requirements management, technical considerations, training, test and operational requirements to give delegates both an educational and technical development environment.
The meeting is Chaired by Alan Gore, who has a wealth of experience, knowledge and insight in the area. Alan is Project Manager/Chief Engineer for Swedish Försvarets Materielverk (FMV) and works in the Data Link, Communications, Aircraft and Space Systems Department. Alan is thrilled to be supported by Martin Müllner from the Austrian Armed Forces Data Link Management Cell who will be the TCF Co-Chair and brings a high level of experience and thought leadership in Tactical Communications also.
Last year’s programme attracted an array of different high-profile speakers, and leaders from NATO, German Air Force, Lithuanian Air Force, and major Defence industry players shared details about current programmes, best practices, challenging areas and technical insight. The 2018 Event programme and associated downloadable presentations can be found here: https://bit.ly/2SQOKKP. The 2019 event programme is shaping up to be a dynamic and valuable line up.
To register to attend the event, visit tactical-comms-forum.com, or for any queries email the TCF Co-ordinator: coordinator@tactical-comms-forum.com. We are currently accepting presentation proposals, if you have an area you would like to present, please contact us via email.